Build Your Best Plank
May 31, 2021

Plank is one of the most important exercises in a FORMAT Barre class. It helps warm up the body and set the alignment cues that will be used throughout class. It is also a total body strengthener – especially when you do it right! Here are some cues to follow to build your best plank position.
1) Spread your palms out nice and wide; press your fingers into the floor, this helps to take pressure off of the wrists
2)Stack your shoulders over your wrists. We know this seems obvious, but it’s easy to cheat out of a plank by shifting your shoulders back and this ultimately puts more strain on the wrists and shoulders and less work in the core.
3) Focus on moving your breath higher in your chest, you should feel your ribcage expanding, not your belly.
4) Fire up your legs! This is huge, think about really pulling your quads up away from the floor, it will help you in longer holds
5) Take breaks when you need them! We all want to be able to hold a plank as long as possible, but remember that form is your priority and taking breaks helps you hold the right position.
Plank on!
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